More than 90% of our raw materials we use come from suppliers located less than 100 kilometres from our factories. This guarantees the quality of our resources and helps to limit our carbon footprint.
Our wood and chipboard are sourced from sustainably managed forests and have the FSC or the PEFC label. All our foam and textiles are STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified, which guarantees that our products are safe to use. Our packages are in cartons. Naturally, this provides superior protection during transport, facilitates handling and storage, and minimises the amount of plastic in our packaging.
We also take great care in managing our foam, fabric and wood scraps. They are reintroduced into our manufacturing processes or recycled in the production of pelets for heating, doll making, etc.
These actions allow us to control the quality of our production while respecting our environment and consumer confidence.